Fall Schedule

First I’m sending you love, can you feel the change in season today? So fun right? Fall is coming!

I wanted to tell you all I’ll be hosting brand new classes beginning in September 2018 through the city of Newport Beach!!

I’ll also be in Long Beach on Thursdays for kids classes for those of you in that area.

Here is the Newport Schedule:
Meditation and Mindfulness class Mondays at 7pm and Weds at 11am.

Healing Yoga Tuesdays at 5:45pm
Kids Yoga and Mindfulness Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm at The CYC in CDM
Teen Mindfulness and Yoga Tuesday 4:30-5:30pm at The CYC in CDM
Baby & me Yoga Fridays 9:30-10:30am at CYC in CDM

Mindful Parenting 2 hour workshops on Saturdays. On the peninsula and in CDM.

Family Yoga and Mindfulness classes too! On the peninsula and in CDM!

Check out classes here and select Jessi Moon Conder under the filter option Instructor in the left column to see all my classes offered. Hope to see you in the fall!! https://apm.activecommunities.com/cnbreg/Activity_Search?txtActivitySearch=&applyFiltersDefaultValue=true&cat=Activities Call (714)928-2520 with Questions.

With Love,
Jessi Moon CMT

Learn more about other services at Www.LetsEnlightenTogether.com

p.s. I just got contracted to offer programs at every school in Irvine, so if your child goes to school in Irvine request for me to give a talk for parents and teachers on mindfulness in schools and homes and to have an after school program!! Theres so many schools so I’ll go to the ones that you bring me to first! Will also be back at Pegasus private school and a new school called Renaissance! SO much going on and Im so happy to come to any school no charge to give a talk on this new science that supports optimal brain development and happiness in our kids.

p.p.s. We are having a Kids Yoga Teacher Training in Irvine. Sign up here. I’m going to need lots more teachers to handle all the programs I’m offering at schools and would love help. http://www.clubkidsyoga.com

p.p.p.s Private services still available, just contact me on what your needing and we will make the shift together for you and your family. I’d love to offer anyone a free 30 minute phone chat to help you get clarity on how you can shift. (714)928-2520 Always here for you. Any of you are always welcome to call me anytime for help without paying anything. I care about you more than I care about anything else. Have the most wonderful beautiful happy day!!!